Tag Archives: ArtistOfTheMonth

Artist of the month: Madrugada

În ciuda numelui, Madrugada nu provine din vreo ţară vorbitoare de limbă spaniolă, ci e o trupă rock din Norvegia şi am ascultat intens luna aceasta chiar din momentul în care i-am descoperit. E una din acele trupe care mă impresionează la toate capitolele: stilul muzical, versurile, vocea solistului şi o discografie consistentă (sunt şi trupe care au doar 2-3 melodii foarte bune, dar restul sub-mediocre).

Băieţii au 5 albume de studio (Industrial Silence, The Nightly Disease, Grit, The Deep End, Madrugada), ultimul fiind lansat în 2008 după moartea chitaristului lor; apoi nu au mai scos nimic sub numele de Madrugada.

Temele versurilor constau în principal în introspecţie, dragoste, aspecte sociale si trăiri…sentimante în general (nu asa 😀 ).

Păăăi, melodiile mele preferate sunt: Majesty, The Lost Gospel, Hands Up – I Love You, What´s On Your Mind?,Valley Of Deception, A Deadend Mind, I Don’t Fit, Get Back In Line, Vocal, and many more.

Sper să ascultaţi şi să vă placă şi vouă.

Madrugada – Majesty


So am I good or bad
The way that things did turn out
I did only make you sad
And we cried and we cried on the phone
Oh but in my mind
You were never that all alone

Oh you were majesty
Your robes were heavy
And your longing was a cutting from bone

So am I, am I good or bad
Could only awake your anger
I could only make you mad
Now was that how you showed me
That you were still so young and bold
Anyway, those fights did drive me
And I was dying of thirst and I wasn’t growing old

Oh you were majesty
Your robes were heavy
And your robes were very cold
Oh oh oh majesty, oh

But in my mind
I could still climb inside your bed
And I could be victorious
Still the only man
To pass through the glorious arch of your head, oh

Oh you were majesty
Your robes were heavy
And your treats were very red
Oh you were majesty
Now it’s like I said
That spirit, it’s now dead
Oh oh oh majesty, oh