All the things that I am

This is an example of another human being. He can edit himself to put information about you or other people so that he knows where you or other people are coming from, and see your/their perspective. It’s also helpful because this way the people around him likes him. He can create as many personalities like this one or sub-personalities as he likes and manages all of his content inside of his head.

His name is Zelig. I am Zelig.

(I’ll change it. This was just an effect of boredom)

“Este în mine atîta confuzie, zăpăceală şi haos, încît nu ştiu cum un suflet omenesc poate să le suporte. Tot ce vreţi găsiţi în mine, absolut tot. Sînt o fiinţă rămasă de la începutul lumii, în care elementele nu s-au cristalizat şi în care haosul iniţial îşi joacă încă nebunia şi învolburarea lui. Eu sînt contradicţia absolută, paroxismul antinomiilor şi limita încordărilor; în mine totul e posibil, căci eu sînt omul care voi rîde în clipa supremă, în faţa neantului absolut, voi rîde în agonia finală, în clipa ultimei tristeţi.” – Cioran, Pe culmile disperarii


I am..becoming..


“Who am I… I cannot say. You see my seasons, they change from day to day.”

I go for the name of Alex and I am the aim to become the best version I can be.

I am an idealist and I’m done stopping that.

I am the belief that I can change the world to better as I let myself grow.

I am Everyday

I’m Honesty to myself as that is the way to be Honest to the world around me.

I am the belief in the potential of people.

I’m a changing being in motion working on deconditioning from cultural predetermined patterns while respecting the ritm of the world and others.

I am the Sharing of our ideas, philosophies without judgment.

I am the most fundamental part

I am what we all can reach.

I am who we are and the best way to get to know each other.

I am Consciousness

I am the root of everything there is.

I am the idea that we don’t have consciousness, we are consciousness.

I am a receptor for information, a mechanism that transforms these frequencies

I am a joke, something genius, subjective, and interpretation transforms me in space, time, matter, shapes, colors, sounds, everything.

I am God, the Universe, Consciousness.

I am the potential to experience everything.

I am faith, science, philosophy, technology, and everything we do.

I am the methods through which we go to the same fullfillness of that potential.

I am the Rising Above.

I am the big picture.

I am a part of every moment.

I am the sight that we are all pulled to the same thing; love.

I am Love.

I am the fucking freedom I truly fucking have!

You make people smile around you. They appreciate you. And you are valuable in their eyes. But that’s just a bonus. Because your existence is justification enough to any why question you ever had. And you’ve had lots of those. Maybe that’s why you help others answer their own why questions. But for sure you enjoy connecting with them losers. People may ask you to tell them stories, new stories, amazing stories, they may have expectations like that from you, or maybe you think they have, or maybe you have expectations like that from yourself. Whatever the case, you already know this: your life’s a story. Your life is a story in itself, and what an awesome story it is. Every bit of detail of everything you’ve ever experienced.

I am the Universe
I have no age
I remember this experience
I am made of language
I am a story
I experience this moment
i am a traveller
I am a translator
I am the subjectivity of a photon
I am reflection

I am the space in between

I think who I really am is the first question I ever asked

Both the character and the actor.

Both the characters and the audience.

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