
Not sure if I’m dreaming…
I think I’m the smoke
in between two mirrors.

Stars are fallin’,
I can hear them.

I crave for a never ending snow,
still, silent,
I want the world to stop.

My bones are cold,
I guess I’ve got cold bones.

But it never stops,
The fallin’ stars are leaves,
The present always leaving.

Hope it’s not something I did,
pretty much all I can do.

Whereas the only thing
the world can do
is ping-pong
from structure to entropy.

All I can think about is
how I’m just a dancing shadow
and how that should free me
from the darkness.

But a dancing shadow
in the darkness of the night
doesn’t really stand out.

At least a flickering light
would be nice to be,
even if in free fall.

The great nothing
as something you can name.

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